We believe that every student has the potential to be a top learner. We believe that you can gain the self-confidence to know you can reach this potential. We believe that you have the ability to reach that potential through hard work, targeted with effective learning methods we will reach your potential.
In our sessions we not only focus on the content of the course we are aiming to achieve in. We have a large emphasis on how we can be effective learners and have understanding of the topic to allow us to apply our knowledge in everyday life as well as in the exam hall.
We create this success by starting with honestly self-reflecting on the course specification to acknowledge where you/your child’s strengths and areas to improve are. We then rank these in order from largest areas needing improvement to what they are strongest and work systematically through them starting with those areas that need more development.
We recognize that every student is different. To begin with in the first free trial session we endeavour to find out what you/your child’s interest are. When explaining complex content we relate it to something they have a passion for to improve their comprehension.
Our sessions are focus around exam questions. So that the student knows the key words and phrases that will guarantee them marks in the exam. As well as raising their understanding of topics as a whole so that have the ability to apply their knowledge in real life and to any exam question that may come their way.
These skills can also be utilised outside of our sessions, within their own revision, not only within the subject we are aiding them in but all their subjects. All the techniques we use we have taken from evidence based research studies. They are the same techniques that we personally use when studying. They have helped us succeed in our courses. We hope to share them with you.