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Providing the foundation for success.


Free online webinars training effective revision skills and exam technique. In addition to our ultimate revision planning resources.


Teaching you the skills to be successful in education. Not just the answers.

How Every Student Can

Achieve Top Grades 

Did you know in the 2022 A-level cohort the percentage of students who got 3 grade A’s or higher was only 3.1%? That’s a very small number of students! It’s hard to get the top grades that high level universities are looking for.


Here’s the problem:

You spend hours in sixth form or college learning the content. But rarely you get taught the most efficient ways of revising. As well as how to plan your revision schedule so you can make the most of you time.

Instead you spend hours making and flicking through flashcards. Watching endless YouTube videos. Pouring through text books until your eyes turn red and bloodshot. That’s if you have even started to sit down and do something.

Instead of procrastinating by cleaning your room so your workplace is “more productive”. Or more than likely the endless social media scrolling.


Does that sound like you?

Why waste time doing all this when you could be enjoying life.


Learning how to revise effectively enables you to get those high grades. Relieve yourself of the stressful feeling that you should be doing more.

Luckily for you we know how you feel. Once we were in the same situation as you. But we decided to make a change. Here’s a revision system you need to know. Based on evidence based research around how you learn and recall information.


Let us introduce you to the solution that:


  • Teaches you the most effective revision methods. So you can achieve those A/A* grades. So you can have your pick of the best university courses across your desired field.

  • Uses the most efficient learning techniques. Increasing your time efficiency with your revision. So you can minimise your time revising yet still get results. So you have more time to spend making memories with your friends and loved ones.

  • Helps with your weekly schedule. Showing you how to balance your life. So you can still keep playing sport or going to the gym alongside your study. Maintaining high academic standards and improving your physical and mental health

  • Plans what you need to revise and when. So that you can get more time to sleep and relax. To stop you feeling tired and burnout all the time

  • Trains exam technique. So that you don’t feel that exam stress. Placing you at the optimal level of focus to gain full marks on any question that is in front of you


A quick word from our founder Matt Ward

“What qualifies us to show you this system? I am proof of the success of this system. Using it myself to achieve 3 A* at A-level including biology and chemistry. And achieve balance in my life so I could have a part-time job. Captain my college basketball academy and have time to spend with my loved ones and friends.

I now have the opportunity to share this system with you.”


Don’t just take our word for it.

Here’s the marks our founder achieved with this system in biology and chemistry A-level in 2022







For reference here is the official AQA grade boundaries for 2022





They are both comfortably above that A* boundary.

You can also achieve this.


Here’s a quick summary of what we offer:


  • A digital download of the automated revision checklist planner

  • Specific to your subject

  • Specific to your level

  • That prioritises your biggest areas of weakness first to maximise your time

  • Based on that it programs what you need to revise and when

  • With links to exam questions specific to each question

  • For a one off payment

  • Right now the checklist for both years combined is a third off!​


Free Bonuses


  • Extra exam style questions. So you don’t waste time searching the internet for exam questions. Minimising your time spent revising and spend it making memories with your friends.

  • A detailed guide on how to unpick exam questions to find the key points within it. So that you understand what each question is asking from you. Empowering you to choose the correct statements and explanations that guarantee you marks.

  • A glossary of the keywords. So you understand the exam language that the mark schemes are after. Which means you don’t waste critical time in the exam trying to think of complex terms to use. You will already know them!



We offer a 30 day money back guarantee.

So you can decide if this style and results are for you. If you decide it’s not for you have 30 days from the date of sale to get in touch with our team and ask for a refund. We will provide the refund no questions asked.


If you decide you want to achieve great results, enjoy learning and a balanced life. Then we can’t wait to get started with you.​



Why wait! The earlier you start, the less time you are wasting doing ineffective revision. High level grades await you!


P.S Right now the checklist for both years combined is a third off for a limited time only!!

P.P.S Why are you still reading and haven’t go in contact with us yet? You could do all your own research into what makes effective revision sessions. But why spend time doing that when we have done all the hard research for you. And we are willing to give you the ultimate revision planning system for currently only £20!

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